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This is a great add to what Siren Head is becoming and I think the story was perfect and spooky enough to give anyone chills. I happened to make a video where I split it up into two parts for a player reaction and am releasing part one today. Good Luck on future projects.


I really enjoyed this game! Siren Head definitely gave me a run for my money hahaha!


This was honestly one of if not the best sirenhead games out right now. It was very fun, very scary, and I loved how active Sirenhead was, even though he scared the crap out of me sometimes.


Game is one of the best sirenhead games out there in the top 3 id say 

Check it out

like the the video keep uploading good content

Thank you, thats great to hear :D


didnt really want to finish the rest of the game so i just ended up sirenhead capture me lol

check out my gameplay + commentary here:


I considered myself a Siren Head Queen till this game. Still easily the best Siren Head Horror game I've played.

YOUTUBER: Maya, The Bubble E1
(Subscribe today to keep stamina shortages away!)

Honestly loved this game. To bad I'm a nood at instrustions 

It tells me that the download failed because the file is forbiden, please help me!!!❤

If you're getting a message from Windows Defender about protecting your PC, click "more info" and then "run anyway". I promise this game is perfectly safe. <3


really good game but there is no option button to toggle with the graphic quality to make the game run smoother on my PC 


thoroughly enjoyed!

One of my fav siren head games so far. Love multiple endings (3) in a short horror game. Great Job.


Didn't really manage to finish it but there was a few good scares!


This is a game of Siren Head that I can say is very enjoyable and provides a cataclysm of different outcomes.  The story that is told through the notes you find will give you an insight of what happened to the rangers. 

The gameplay mechanics are very well thought and offer a challenging scenario for where if you do not conserve your stamina for the right moment; you may not make it alive. 

The fact that Sirenhead actually picks you up to eat you? I enjoyed that very much for it gives a chance to fear the creature, be afraid of it more so we can escape again and again.

I loved this game, and will make another video on it when I can! <3 

(1 edit) (+4)

Going to be honest, I've been playing so may Siren Head games recently where I was starting to get numb, but this game was surprisingly polished and well thought out. 

Only thing I didn't like was the stamina mechanism where you literally run out of stamina and never recharges, but otherwise its a great Siren head game. The best even for now?


This game is amazing!! 100/100


Loved the game man i used all my sprint in the beginning though haha. I Think you should explain that sprint is not regenerating in the beginning other than that I loved it!


Really not a fan of how unclear the sprint function is, I only discovered it didn't recharge after I wasted it all on the first two tasks before the game even begins


I loved this game but for some reason it was very laggy

(1 edit) (+1)

La "Secret Ending" de Siren Head Retribution qui est la dernière des 3 fins alternatives :

Pour les Francophones ! 


La "Bad Ending" de Siren Head Retribution qui est la dernière des 3 fins alternatives :

Pour les Francophones ! 

La "Good Ending" de Siren Head Retribution qui est la dernière des 3 fins alternatives :

Pour les Francophones ! 

This game had my cheeks in it's hand. it was so difficult. so... enjoy my struggle:

(1 edit) (+1)

Out of all the Siren Head game I played, this is probably one of the best I played yet. Here's my gameplay.



One of the hardest Siren Head game I played but still beat it..Thanks for your efforts :))

(4 edits) (+2)

Definitely gotta play this again!  Fun and very ambient but a couple tweaks to the AI would make it 10x better ❤ Still fun asl!!

(1 edit) (+2)

Me and Siren Head In this one did quite a bit of arguing with each other like an old married couple! YouTube: MrMBenting be sure to like and subscribe If you enjoy

Should make graphic settings! i wanna play this game but pc too doodoo


This is amazing!! I don't know how, but I managed to get one of the endings. I like that this game has a good challenge, and a lot of that challenge comes from being too nervous to venture far from the station. The story was very solid with lots of "world building" going on. All in all, an insanely well crafted game! 


Very well done! It was challenging and fun! This is one well blended Sirenhead. I couldn't find him until it was too late. I got the bad ending haha.


you do NOT want to miss this video! I did play 2 games however siren head takes the majority of the spotlight! I hope you enjoy my experience! 


This is by far the best siren head I have tried! Well done, I absolutely enjoyed it! 


Already uploaded to may gameplays so I will gave it a go tomorrow and beat this game for sure :)) 


great game! Really enjoyed it please check out my play through below :) 


The game is so laggy, that I can't even press the start button.


This is The best so far! 😀


I really enjoyed the feel of the game and would rate it the best siren head game.



This game had good atmosphere, and a way to make the player feel very uneasy. Although the game is very good I feel like the event you need to trigger in order to get the car battery is very easy to miss, it shouldn't be but it is. I think it may be due to a glitch that happened with me, but nonetheless I enjoyed this game and believe this game was well made. 

Also love the Rick and Morty reference!

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